Palestine history

May 14, 1948

The State of#nbsp;Israel is#nbsp;declared, marking the beginning of#nbsp;the Arab-Israeli conflict and the displacement of#nbsp;hundreds of#nbsp;thousands of#nbsp;Palestinians from their homes.
Oh, fair citizens, heed this news I#nbsp;bring,
Of#nbsp;an#nbsp;event that set a#nbsp;great upheaval in#nbsp;motion.
On#nbsp;this day, in#nbsp;the year of#nbsp;forty-eight,
A#nbsp;new state was born, with much fanfare and devotion.
The State of#nbsp;Israel, they did call it,
With pride and joy, they hoisted up#nbsp;their flag.
But what of#nbsp;those who lived upon that land,
Whose homes and lives were now uprooted and dragged?
The Palestinians, with heavy hearts and tears,
Watched as#nbsp;their land was taken, their homes destroyed.
Forced to#nbsp;flee from their ancestral grounds,
Their cries for justice drowned, their dreams destroyed.
The Arab-Israeli conflict, thus began,
A#nbsp;tale of#nbsp;bloodshed, sorrow, and despair.
Of#nbsp;two peoples, each claiming the same land,
Locked in#nbsp;a#nbsp;struggle, with no#nbsp;hope of#nbsp;repair.
Oh, how the world does turn, with fickle fate,
And those who suffer most are left to#nbsp;mourn.
The echoes of#nbsp;this event still resonate,
And to#nbsp;this day, the wounds are left unhealed and torn.
But let us#nbsp;not forget the lesson learned,
That violence begets violence, and peace is#nbsp;earned.
May we#nbsp;strive to#nbsp;find a#nbsp;path that’s just and fair,
And heal the wounds of#nbsp;history, with love and care.