Palestine history

November 2, 1917

Balfour Declaration, a#nbsp;statement by#nbsp;the British government declaring support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in#nbsp;Palestine.
Oh, woe betide the people of#nbsp;Palestine!
For on#nbsp;this day, in#nbsp;sixteen-seventeen,
A#nbsp;declaration by#nbsp;the Brits was made,
That paved the way for years of#nbsp;strife and pain.
The Balfour Declaration, they did call it,
And in#nbsp;it, they declared their support
For a "national home for the Jewish people,"
In#nbsp;Palestine, a#nbsp;land they did not court.
The stage was set for a#nbsp;great tragedy,
A#nbsp;tale of#nbsp;war, displacement, and despair,
Of#nbsp;ancient lands and peoples pushed aside,
Their cries for justice drowned in#nbsp;the air.
Oh, how the mighty have wrought destruction,
Their promises and pledges now laid bare,
The land once peaceful, now a#nbsp;battleground,
With no#nbsp;hope of#nbsp;peace in#nbsp;sight, I#nbsp;fear.
But still, we#nbsp;must remember this day,
And all the pain it#nbsp;brought upon the land,
For only in#nbsp;remembrance can we#nbsp;pray,
That one day, peace may once again take stand.